Flexile Blog

Do I need CPQ? (if you have pre-sales and want to save money - you probably do)

do i need flexile cpq The Challenge
As a general rule if you have pre-sales you can benefit from CPQ. In a lot of organisations pre-sales becomes the bottle neck that slows down quoting because they get sucked into doing low value admin work such as service qualifications or picking the correct router/SD-WAN hardware to meet the customers needs. In addition I often see all order forms being checked internally by pre-sales or another technical resource due to consistently inaccurate quotes before they can be sent to the customer, further slowing the sales process. Seeing smart, technical and often $100k+ staff do low quality admin or act as the order form ‘police person’ always makes me sad - not the least because it can’t be exciting for them.

Many businesses work hard to train sales people and build a Wiki with internal sales information to try and take this burden off pre-sales. Unfortunately this is very challenging to do well and requires significant energy to implement and maintain. Energy that is often directed to selling rather than maintaining the data in the Wiki.

Flexile is the Solution

Configure Price Quote (CPQ) software provides a single place to manage your products and pricing and allows you to package up products with business logic to make it possible for sales staff to accurately self quote the vast majority of opportunities.

Pre-sales now has more time to work on those fulfilling, high value and complex opportunities while your sales team self quote your bread and butter opportunities fast and 100% accurately without requiring assistance or checking! This new found speed to quote and create order forms helps you sell more and gives sales more time to sell - it’s a virtuous circle!

Great CPQ even saves money on sales people, you don’t need to find a sales person that understands all the technical ins and out of your product, they just need to be good at selling. Having employed a number of amazing sales staff that could sell and really understood their products in depth I can tell you, they were expensive! (worth it, but still expensive).

So if you want to speed up sales and save money - check out CPQ. We would love to take the Pepsi challenge and put Flexile up against anything else you can find - we believe our combination of sales, product and sales operations experience means we can quickly understand your challenges and help improve your sales process.

Matt Hollis
Co-founder & CEO at Opvia

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